This Dude is a Short Pud
Monday, September 9, 2013
The Douche of Wall Street
HCwDB is pleased to feature a still from the upcoming Roger Corman produced “The Douche of Wall Street.”
You know.
Those low budget ripoffs of famous films that kinda sorta sound like the film and then get rented by moronis who can’t tell the diff.
Like Jurassic Pa- Carnosaur.
Igor Bag is droppin' chromosomes like they hot, and pickin' up Milfs like they not
…Whilst his envious cousin Slav Darkly fumes in the background.
This tawdry scene, replete with DuckFace™, makes me despair.
Which rhymes with “pear”.
Which begs the question – if you squeeze a grape-colored pear, will she let out a little wine?
Thursday, May 30, 2013Ming the Christianless Does Not Adequately Appreciate His Carefree Life
Evil Yellow Sunball will have something to say about it.
Thursday, May 9, 2013Asian Justin Bieber Pays to Pose with Sophie
Asian Justin Bieber is convinced that with just the right breaks, he’ll be like the Anglo Psy.
In a related story, Fibonacci used Anglo Psy to confuse Fermat during a game of checkers one night in Oslo back in ’22.
Yup. Got nuthin’.
Not even coffee.
Time for tea.
I hate tea.
I blame your moms.
Saturday, April 6, 2013Are you not entertained?
And in spite of continued National Revulsion at the Jersey Shore clowns…the shorties still flock to Fecal Giblets like Pauly D, who has leveraged his stint on that video tool shed into and endless series of button-pushing gigs playing shite music off of his iPhone. This is why we fight.
Okay…we also fight for this.
And this.
And this.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012Trent Assholio
You hear that??!?
It’s Trent Assholio.
He’s on the move.
The make.
The Mack Daddy springboard sexin’ bodysprayin’ move.
Can you dig it?
I said, can you dig it?
Luscious Larissa burps angels covered in lilacs. I would traipse through a barbed wire covered field of rubber boing boings just for the chance to drool and lick upon her discarded spa treatment skin peel.
EDIT: Site’s BUGGY as heck today as I’m upgrading everything, so bear with…