Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Douchebags on Boats
This pic of unholy toxic boatbaggery in presence of hottie continues our growing inventory of photographic evidence that forces us to consider that most profound of questions:
Does the douchebag like to hang on a boat with bikini hotties?
Or does hanging on a boat with bikini hotties turn one douchey?
Friday, May 13, 2011This Guy Wins
I wish there was more to mock with this Oldbag Boatbag Stupidhead. Unfortunately, stupid tribal arm tatt and day-glo douche shorts don’t give me much to go on.
We’ll give him a stage-1 mock, and quickly move on to the real reason I posted the pic.
For Zebra Bikini Ashley is all that is firm and glorious about prime specimen suckle thigh and viable womb.
I would build a shine to her forefathers using only melted Jolly Ranchers, toothpicks and brill cream just for the chance to lick/gargle tea made from the gauze used to treat her thigh rash after a particularly taxing day of horseback riding before Kelly’s debutante ball.
Which is to say I chomp approvingly.
Even if she is using a Bud Light Lime cozy.
Thursday, May 5, 2011Where’s Boatwanks?
Somewhere in this catamaran Darksockian boatcrashery, I’ve carefully hidden not one, not two, but three puddy boatwank Waldeeche.
Look closely.
Can you knock them off their penis substitute boats with an oar and hit on Kelly by offering her a Miller Lite?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011Mister Zebracrotch
Interesting footnote to history, Pablo Picasso was originally nicknamed “Mister Zebracrotch.” But Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.
The Orangenesss is strong in Granddaughter Karnie. She must resist the genetic impulse, or rampant boatbaggery will soon ensue.
Friday, February 4, 2011The Scrub Boat
Calling your girlfriend a “He” is one thing, Barney. Accusing him/her of being gay, now that’s just juvenile.
What’s next? Spending your early 30s blowing all your money on hair gel, bad tatts, and hanging with your mandana-wearing bros on party boats so you don’t have to face down your lack of spiritual growth since you read “The Tao of Pooh” in Junior High?
Yes it is.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010Vanilla Lice Buys a Boat
And discovers the power of boatbaggery to acquire a lineup of Lakepear.
Even his wacky sidekick, Jethro, is getting in on the action.
And by getting in on the action, I mean a part time shift at Bob’s Country Bunker. Where they got both kinds. Country, and western.
Mmm… polka pear. So firm. So confused and frustrated by the limitations of small town living.
Monday, August 30, 2010Blu Ray
Blu Ray knows what the ladies want.
And what the ladies want is a Smirnoff Ice.
And years of emotional dysfunction due to low self esteem fostered in childhood.