Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Harrison Ford Runs with the Goose
And the DB1’s entire world view implodes with the force of a thousand suns…
Sweet Buffet o’ Mine
Because “Appetite for Destruction” was too obvious.
Thursday, January 13, 2011Breaking: Someone Named Scott Disick Swings His Cane
Because I like to stay hip with the latest pop culture yadda yaddas that so concern Ryan Seacreast and Julia Whatever on that single letter network, I thought I’d update you on Scott Disick.
No, I don’t know who he is either.
Apparently he pregged up one of the Kardashians. And no, I don’t really know who the Kardashians are, or what makes them famous, either. I think they fought the Klingons and the Ferengi in one of the Deep Space Nines.
This may or may not be a Kardashian sister.
And I don’t know why you should care about this. Apparently he likes to use his cane to hold back his woman, and to dress up like a cast member of the gay porn parody of Mad Men, entitled, “Mad Cock.”
Anyways, who gives a spankmonkey about these generics? I don’t. You don’t. Back to real people. That’s who we focus on here at HCwDB. Not manufactured Hollywood flotsam.
Saturday, January 8, 2011Your Saturday Where’s Jerry O’Connell?
Somewhere in this lineup of overexposed pseudo-celebrity attention whores, I’ve carefully hidden a Jerry O’Connell.
Look closely.
Can you find him?
Because HCwDB is all up on the latest celeb pics from the something something awards. Who’m I kidding? I finally got around to watching season one of Dexter. My pop culture knowledge ended sometime between Lebowski and Office Space. Alls I’ve heard of since then is someone named Justine Bieber helps financially support Twitter. Dammit. I’mma go back to drinking now.
Thursday, January 6, 2011Carrot Top. Still Out There. Still Performing in Vegas to Tourists.
Speaking of famous comedians, I think we can all agree to mock Carrot Top.
That’s sort of what he’s there for.
Like comfort food.
Still, if wallowing in Dante’s fifth canto of comedy hell (sins with props) gets you Jenny From Wichita to endure a spinal perforation just to jutt boobies for your edification, then I suppose a correct calculation took place somewhere along the life curve.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011A Note to Denis Leary: Hot Chicks with Douchebags is Not Free Material for All Comedians to Use as “Inspiration” for Comedy Central Specials
An open letter to Denis Leary, from me, the guy who wrote the book “Hot Chicks with Douchebags,” created, was lead writer and executive produced MTV’s “Is She Really Going Out With Him? and has been writing this site every day since March of 2006:
Dear Guy Who Stole His First Act From Bill Hicks,
I haven’t seen your special “Douchebags and Donuts” yet, since it doesn’t air on Comedy Central until Sunday. It may be unlike the last five years of writing done on Hot Chicks with Douchebags, in my book, and on my show on MTV. I suppose that’s possible.
But this notion of douchebag deconstruction that you’re so happy to create a comedy special around (and test out on “The Tonight Show”) is one I created on this very blog. Five years ago.
I conceived it. I even had a book published nationally about it. And a TV show. And my book was optioned by a studio. And I wrote a script based on that book.
I’ve done sixty or seventy radio interviews. Been written up in Playboy, Rolling Stone and numerous other mags.
My show on MTV was the precursor to “The Jersey Shore” and just finished airing its third season.
So, you see, I don’t really think my blog/book/TV show/movie deal could possibly have been missed by you. Much like any writer-comedian’s product, the concept of douchebag deconstruction and categorization is one I’ve created, defined, published and sold in a variety of media formats.
This means the material, concept and style of the humor is mine. Was created by me. You “borrowing” it is not an homage. It is not a tribute. And it is not cool.
You may have considered doing a special called “You Might Be a Redneck.” Or perhaps “Stuff White People Like.” I suppose I should be flattered you chose HCwDB. But I am not.
The fact that funny things appear on the internet do not mean they are not written, conceived and belong to people.
Come up with your own shit. Asshole.
– Jay Louis
EDIT: Here’s another clip from the special. Judge for yourself.
Backstory: Denis Leary is “inspired” by Bill Hicks in the 80s.
More Backstory: Louis C.K. responds to Leary’s comedic “inspiration.”
Monday, August 23, 2010Alexei Ovechkin Voted
Hockey superstar and renowned international douchepud, Alexei Ovechkin, wanted to stop by with his bitches, his Upside Down Sunglasses, and his Princess Leia ‘muffs and vote in the HCwDB of the Week.
Have you voted yet?