Wednesday, March 9, 2005
junior s’up works late at “the office”
“No, Dad, srsly…I was at The Office until 1 am!”.
Of course “The Office” is the ‘bag watering hole around the block…
Has Trust Fund Tina hit paydirt? Or just dirt?
Friday Haiku
The Two Brothers Poo
Have decided to both date
Two future sofas
Free Bird said…
Nothing better than
Sweat and leather between two
Thighs pressed together.
The Reverend Chad Kroeger said…
The blonde has tight poon
Like Liquid Nails, drywall screws
And rancid cream cheese.
Charles Douchewin said…
Mock is strong this week.
Leering from her skin-prison,
Marilyn approves.
DoucheyWallnuts said…
Blonde Bleeth has a Gunt
That shows up on Google Earth
Now called, Guntle Earth
Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…
Aren’t clubs supposed to
keep the lights low so surprise
comes when turned back on?
Magnum Douche P.I. said…
Blond shows off her rack
to distract from her Cabbage
Patch Kid face and gunt
Vin Douchal said…
Not always good day
To be zipper on chick’s top
Burst/fail coming soon
NickelBone just wants you to know…
…that nobody – nobody – rocks harder than NickelBack, Son. Except maybe Winger.
I wonder what the girls are thinking as they stare vacantly into the dark recesses of the club, pondering what could have been?
Here’s a free shame boner for hanging in there. You’re welcome…I think.
Sunday, March 6, 2005Friday Haiku
King and Queen Orange,
Master Beta Carotines;
Big watch and big cans.
hermit said…
You’d hold your gut too
If your uterus contained
The spawn of Satan
DoucheyWallnuts said…
Orange is new black
Losers are the new winners
Except for these two
The Reverend Chad Kroeger said…
She lost her big wang
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole.
G$ said…
Mexican Mulder
Wants to stick it between this
Alien’s Roswells
Dickie Fingers said…
Her boobs are broken
they cause her to fall and they
don’t protect her face.
Vin Douchal said…
She caused injury
Weird Monkey Hole incident
Dislocates pinky
The Dude said…
The face of a horse
On torso with great Twin Peaks
I’d hit it – bag please?
“We Are Groo“.
Friday Haiku
Hair Metal is back!
Trish will find out that tube socks
Rolled in pants? Back too.
hermit said…
He: Fired from Staples
She: A retired pole dancer.
Club accepts food stamps.
DoucheyWallnuts said…
How does he stand up
On legs that skinny? His hair
Weighs 200-pounds
Dickie Fingers said…
toothpick leg rocker
has no chance with Trish, she likes
a thicker sauseege
Charles Douchewin said…
I don’t mock carnies.
The Coney Island side show
is good, honest work.
Magnum Douche P.I. said…
Spinal Tap bassist
Amp goes to eleven. So
does her vibrator
Vin Douchal said…
Like past Tommy Lee
Toothpick sized wannabe star
No shower for month
The Reverend Chad Kroeger said…
She has not smiled once
Since the Theramin was put
In her Monkey Hole.
DoucheyWallnuts said…
Pre-season football
Is worse than looking at these
Two abortions. Son
Tackle Box said…
I remember when
We used to get lots of pear*
On Fridays, now sad
*hang in there Brah*
Wednesday, March 2, 2005A REQUIEM FOR Skinny D’Amato, aSS PUNCH KING OF LATE
Legendary Anti-Douche and Resident Historian Douchey Wallnuts recounts in further detail the sad demise of one Skinny D’Amato:
You know I got to thinking after I gave youse this quickie orbituary about Skinny, that I should write more than what I wrote in the post I posted”
“Skinny D’Amato’s demise is a lesson for all of us. For all of the Ass Punch Fury he doled out, he wound up walking the boardwalk in Atlantic City wearing Velcro sneakers and diapers. Literally.
When he retired his savings consisted of some Italian railroad bonds, a collection of Jimmy Roselli albums, $1246 and an autographed picture of Dom DiMaggio. He subsisted on hard boiled eggs, sardines and an occasionally taralli.
Once he lost his faculties and the ability to toilet himself the Paisano Ba Fangoolo Society put him up in the Retired Buttonman Home for the Criminally Incontinent, where he died soon thereafter. Thereafter, I says.”
I kinda has some second thoughts because what I wrote sounded kinda bad, when in actuality it was really much worser.
You see the Paisano Ba Fangoolo Society was a low-level guinea support group that had to rely on lesser elements for operational continuity. And when I say “lesser elements for operational continuity,” I mean they hired all kindsa low-life skells to change the diapers and wipe the Gugutz’s of the poor wop bastards who had nobody else to wipe their asses. And shit.
So what I’m sayin is that Skinny wound up being taken care of by some a the relatives a more than a few a the recipients of his world infamous Ass Punch.
Once the word got out that Skinny was less than he used ta be things got ugly. There was this guy Frankie Mucus – he was always blowin’ his nose – that Skinny anal-ized for skipping town cuz he owed the Scarfos 10k clams on a bad beat on an Eagles game. Anyways, Skinny had left Frankie in a ditch over by the train yard shittin hemoglobin, but not dead. Who knew?
Frankie’s mom, Big Annette, always held the vendetta against Skinny to the point where she’d say grace at the family dinner and swear that she’d one day cut Skinny’s balls off. Tagliare le palle, I says.
Hey, these Philly wop dames was religious. Whattaya want from me?
So fast forward 30 fuccen years or so and here we is with Skinny crappin his BVDs and lyin in a bed in a care facility of questionable repute, and sure as the Pope says Hail Marys every fuccen day, one a his nurses is one a Big Annette’s nieces and one a Frankie Mucus’s cousins. Madon!
This skirt Rosalie winds up on the detail that has to wipe Skinny’s ass and change his pannolino. Oofa. Small world. Am I right when I say that?
So this scoonitz Rosalie calls up Big Annette and tells her the one and only Skinny D’Amato is lyin in one a her beds in a pile a his own crap waitin for his diaper to be changed. Now this fuccen Annette has the Vendetta Fever like the wops in the old country had when they’d go out and shank some poor bastard because he blew his nose in front a the other wop’s wife without sayin “Mi ‘cusi,” or some fuccen thing.
Big Annette takes a big butcher’s knife, her rosary beads and the St Christopher’s medal Frankie was wearing when they found him lying in a puddle a his own juices after Skinny punched out her boy’s gizzard and shit, and she high-tailed it down to the Paisano Ba Fangoolo Society’s home so she could exact some old school vendetta on Skinny’s rectum and surrounding areas. Surrounding areas,I says.
Now just so happens a Scarfo Caporegime from back in the day when Skinny was throwing the South a the Border Haymakers happened to be visiting Skinny on account a Skinny still owed him some Scarole from some bet he made on something-or-other when Skinny was still able to use Brother John with some accuracy. Or whatnot.
So this mook, Vinny Hubcaps, is goin through Skinny’s wallet and he lifts a couple a Saw Bucks, you see, and then he sits down outta respect and talks to Skinny. And since Skinny don’t know if he’s coming or goin or what fuccen day it is, he’s just smilin’ and babblin like a fuccen dame who just got her keister waxed by some shalabobo. Keister waxed, I says.
So anyways in walks Big Annette, huntin for bear. Or Skinny, I guess. But she don’t know an don’t see Hubcaps sittin in a chair in the corner a the room, see, an she starts yellin at Skinny that she’s gonna use the butcher knife on his ass as she comes in the room. Now this gives Vinny Hubcaps all the heads up he needed to prepare, so as Big Annette heads at Skinny’s ass with her knife Vinny buries the crucifix that was hangin on the wall into the back a Big Annette’s skull.
Now that sounds bad but on account a Big Annette wearin one a them Bee Hive hairdos that the old wop dames always wore, the Christ on a Cross don’t do as much damage as Hubcabs had intended, and Annette starts with the butcher knife like she’s Cookie Lavagetto swingin for the fences at Ebbets Field.
Hubcaps subdued the old guinea broad post haste, but Skinny in his half-a-pazzo state sees the steel and decides he’s gonna cheese it out a there. Problem being he’d crapped hisself and as he stepped out of the bed and started to scoot his foot slipped on the pisciari and merda dripping down his leg, and he goes ass over tits and slams his noggin into the corner a the door to the room.
He never had a chance as he caved in the top a his melon from the fall and wound up dyin in a puddle a his own Cockey on the floor of a old farts home. So that’s the sad story a Skinny D’Amato’s demise. Hand to God.
Friday Haiku
Hobo Joe – He smiles.
Hopes to score five-head later.
Dong-taper smirks too…
Jacques Doucheteau said…
Wanna ride in my
’86 Nova? Looks like
You brought your airbags…
Charles Douchewin said…
Varsity jacket.
Trophy wife. The longshoreman’s
reunion kicks off!
Capt. James T. Douche said…
For a guy who makes
Ten bucks an hour its the
Greatest day ever
Magnum Douche P. I. said…
Daryl wins big at
the Vegas poker tourney
Blows it on hooker
The Reverend Chad Kroeger said…
It puts the five-head
In the balls or it gets the
Hose. The teabag hose.
Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…
Randy Couture’s night
with inflate-a-date seems off
to pretty good start.
DoucheyWallnuts said…
As neckline plummets
Hairline recedes and boobs grow
Scientific fact
Sexy Sadie with Two Dim Shadies
Oh Sexie Sadie…caught between the poles (literally) of Perma-Lose and WallStreet Douche…can you blame your Sicilian Carnivore WingGirl from walking away in disgust/self-loathing jealousy? We too are jealous…O that alibaster Elvira skin…
Posts have been sparse in this wormhole into 2005…Spinal Meningitis is calming down and the Socklets will soon ship back to the Present Ex-Mrs. Sock so salad days will soon return. Until then…here’s a pair o’ pears.
Just hang in there as I make the necessary adjustments.