Friday, September 21, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    The Second Coming?

    No; Charles Manson finally won

    His bid for parole.

    Quartasian Mia

    sees face of God; it’s after

    this guy strangles her

    — Morbo

    Dressing like Jesus

    Scores even more under age

    tang than Mall Santa.

    — The Casual Teabagger



    Why does Jesus smell

    Like he’s been sleeping in a

    Dumpster for a year?

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Some Excellent Mocks

    My friends! Enjoy them right now.

    We will burn tonight.

    — Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Epic Dump

    For there are no other words of poetry, nay, ‘cept those t’were the epic dump.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Ask DB1: GSR During Sexytime?



    IMHO, the most auto of the auto douche signifiers to my mind is Groin Shave Reveal. GSR=douche. Unless you’re a woman. Then it’s delightful.

    My question is this, and of course it’s hypothetical with no basis on reality in my life or the life of any real person living or dead: What if you’re a regular bag mocking normal guy, but your girlfriend ASKS you to implement an aggressive GSR policy, the same poilcy in fact, that she herself subscribes to, and which you enjoy?

    Furthermore she lets it be known that should said GSR policy be implemented she will immediately begin doing cool stuff involving your G that she has previously not come close to doing, and which you would very much like her to do? Also, said stuff will be done often and enthusiastically.

    Under these circumstances would implementing a GSR policy:

    1. auto douche (still)

    2. the smart thing to do

    3. weenie-like caving

    Just wondering so that I can offer informed advice should this issue ever come up. Not with me, of course, but with say a friend who asks me for counsel.



    Good question, Bflak. GSR may be practiced in the safe and private confines of cohabitation games-play. In fact, any douchetribute is fine as part of personal performativity with a partner in service of getting one’s proverbial freak on.

    However, should such displays take place in public, and in proximity to a camera for the purposes of exhibitionism… autodouche.

    So let it be written. So let it be done.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Yankee McSpankee wants Andrea to Yankee his McWankee

    That’s nothing, wait’ll he shows her his A-Rod.

    Aaaaand, Yankee jokes for the loss.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Reader Mail: The Choad African

    Scumbum writes in all the way from South Africa to remind us of the lingering toxicity of the global Grieco Virus in presence of hot chick:


    Sometimes, in this world of religious hatred, human suffering and racial tension we forget.. We forget that all over the world, we are united by the douche. Who would have thought that in South Africa you would be able to book a safari and spot an all too common species. Ladies and gentlemen of the world, please enjoy


    I ain’t gonna play douche city.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    BroRandy Tatts a Tribute to Walter Benjamin

    BroRandy’s Last Angel describes the witness to history left behind in the subaltern absences of hegemony.

    Amanda’s taut suckle thighs offer choral harmonies of ecstatic gnostic revelations. Like the ancient Sanskrit warlords of Kuudu, I fondle and pokey prod my way to revelation through the sins of antiquity.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Peter Pumpin'head: The Early Years

    Before shooting yak spittle into his bones and turning himself into a cloud, Peter Pumpin’head worked his way through college.

    And by college, I mean not-college.

    And by working, I mean Grooooo.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Paco McScribble Says "Challo!" to Candy's Cans

    Now there’s a headline to sip my coffee to.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    One Word Tuesday


    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Reader Mail: Douche Wayne Tags a Blurry Aquadouche/Aquahott Combo

    Douche Wayne writes in with an excellent story of a blurry Aquatag:


    DB1 –

    I must first apologize for the awful quality of this pic and I don’t blame you for not posting it. I’ve seen clearer pics of the Loch Ness Monster. Taken by Bigfoot. With the lens cap on. However, the point of this pic is not so much the visual representation of douche, but the location of the Grieco virus outbreak.

    Where – The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Connecticut (yes, Connecticut).

    When – Pirate Day

    I took my kids to visit my parents and attend Pirate Day at the aquarium. I’ve been there many times growing up and now my kids love it. As you may know I live in New Jersey, so I didn’t expect to run afoul of the Grieco virus while visiting my home state of Connecticut.

    We were at the new shark and ray touch tank, I look across the water and first noticed boobies. Nice ones. Fake but tasteful, wrapped in shimmering peach-colored strapless silk.

    I pegged her for late 30’s-early 40’s and hot in the face. A bit much for the aquarium I thought, but even rich CT milfs have kids who would enjoy such events. I would have swam across the seal tank prior to feeing time wearing only a codfish loincloth for the chance to pat her hands dry with my youngest child’s Huggies Pull-Ups.

    I then noticed the “shiny building of a man” standing beside her, kung-fu grip around her waist, LITERALLY nibbling on her shoulder. Inappropriate, yet the bleeth had no qualms about the level of PDA or the countless youngsters bearing witness to it. Decked out in a black baseball hat (you can just make out the ghastly pattern on it in the pic) with either studs or rhinestones on it to hide the receding hairline, the ubiquitous skin-tight black Affliction T-shirt covering his overdeveloped pecs and black jeans covering his underdeveloped chicken legs.

    If douchebags were trees, you could tell their age by the circumference of their biceps; he was at least 50, or a weathered 42. As bad as the pic is, you can clearly see his watch and arm tatts.

    Luckily, my kids were engaged with a 5-foot nurse shark and didn’t notice the gorilla attack going on across the pool.

    Most disturbing was that I wasn’t able to connect them with any children at the touch tank. Later on when leaving, I noticed them walking to the parking garage by themselves, without any children in tow. I am cautiously optimistic he had not procreated.

    I guess even over-the-hill douchebags enjoy a day at the aquarium prior to a fun-filled Sunday night of fist-pumping in South Norwalk. No we know, and knowing is half the battle.

    I remain,

    Douche Wayne


    # posted by douchebag1
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