Friday, June 22, 2012

    Friday Thoughts and Links

    Aye o’er sun dappled hills at peak o’ sunset…

    Coffee pots percolate with douchal scent,

    The dusk smells like poo…

    The clattering of doucheboat arrives at dock,

    The tragedy of the hotts… ne’ermore… ne’ermore…

    — Excerpt from “The Tragedy of the Hotts” by Dylan Thomas, 1942.

    Here’s your links:

    Your cheesy 1990s Troma “Horror” DVD Pick of the Week: “Get your goddamn tongue out of my goddamn cousin’s mouth!”

    Lego Batman. If the movie looked like this, I might care about it. As it is, redundant self-serious “high art” superhero disaster porn bores me to piddle.

    John Mayer. Still out there. Still a douchebag.

    Hebrew National Hotdogs not Kosher? That’s not kosher. Speaking of, that’s the title of my new sitcom idea, “That’s Not Kosher.”

    This British kid is my hero. Slugworth deserved it.

    Vice’s Guide to Dating Rich Girls is pretty spot on and humorous. Well worth a gander if you have time to kill this weekend.

    Friends you should Unfriend on Facebook. Nickelback Fans for the Unfriending.

    Shia LaBeouf stars in arty music video, reveals his penis.

    David Lynch’s Rock of Ages. Now there’s a movie I’d see.

    It’s almost summertime. You like fruit? How’s about some:

    Pineapple Fruit Pear

    Mmmm… juicy. and by juicy I mean butt.

    EDIT: Site was down for awhile, but it’s back up, and these links are sweet, so apologies for the outage and enjoy…

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, June 22, 2012

    The Douchepocalypse Dawns…

    … in the distance, a lonely wolf whimpers against a bone chilling wind…

    … the battle begins…

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, June 22, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Sir Roofus Malfoy

    Tries to glamour a Muggle

    With his tiny wand.

    on top of the Albino

    the wheelbarrow should have stayed

    Pit of Despair, indeed

    — Melvil_Duchi

    The zombie Hitchens

    Scours London for bath salts

    And Anglo call girls.

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    She always dresses

    To suit the occasion. This

    Occasion was drapes.

    — The Reverend MonkeyHole Kroeger

    Hot chick with Fatt bag

    British Empire continues

    Millenial fail

    — The Dude

    Lord Autumn Bottom

    Wants to show Ms Twiggy his

    Yellow Submarine

    — saulgoode42

    Guy in this photo

    Makes me ask the following;

    Is Gregg Allman dead?

    — Doucheywallnuts, I says

    A much closer look

    Reveals rare double lapels

    Ray Charles dressed better

    — Charles Douchewin

    No style change for Steve

    Since his grunge band broke up in

    Nineteen ninety five

    — Ich verstehe sie ist heiß

    Oh those were the days

    Elf extra in Lord Of The Rings**

    Downhill spiral since

    — Et Tu Douche?


    **10 points to Gryffindor for Et Tu – D.S.

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Bath Salts Hugh Jackman Reaps the Benefits of Stardom

    Then again, is Bath Salts Hugh Jackman really interested?

    Blonde Model Premium Super Mayan Eye of Coitus is reserved only for celebrities. The bouncer is now asking you to leave.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Caption This Pic

    “Now Kelly, why would I roofie your mai tai? My peen hasn’t worked since the Reagan years! And by Reagan years, I mean the last cycle of synthrol.”

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Giuseppe's Thousand Yard Stare

    If I’m feeling generous, I’mma go with a notta and a goinpeace for Giuseppe, even if the double-button thing is vaguely ‘baggy.

    But I’m posting this pic for Shana and Lilly’s matching cloth tops. They may not be up in the single malt level of hottchickery, but, as Henry George once wrote in Progress and Poverty, “Boobs.”

    And Shana’s tickle pooch is slobber gnaw.

    Yeah, I said “tickle pooch is slobber gnaw.” What are you gonna do about it, Mrs. O’leary? Circle it in red pen? Give me a “D”?? I haven’t been in your class in years! Bwahahahaha!

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Ned Drinks from the Pitcher

    Sleeve Tatts do not not a boring-ass fratboy unmake.

    Years later, while working in corporate accounting, driving a minivan, and raising three ungrateful boys, Mindy would reflect back on senior year and sigh.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    HCwDB After Dark

    It may only be June, but Santa Claus always has time for Pear.

    Up late?

    Pull up a chair. Hang out with me.

    Grab a tasty chocolate cruller from the catered spread over on the alpaca lanai.

    Enjoy a lapsong souchong latte.

    And join me for a game Champagne Katie Chess Pear.

    Pawn star jokes? Perhaps.

    But first, I make my move. Bishop to Glute 3. Czech mate.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    A Whole Pile of Disturbing Creepiness

    I just hosed off my crotch with bleach spray shot out of a water cannon. I advise you to do the same.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    Site Upgrading Continues…

    In case you’ve noticed the site’s been a big buggy lately, sometimes going off-line, sometimes talking to me in a deep yet soothing monotone about playing a game of chess, I’mma updating the android sex slave robotics ’round here.

    Gonna give this thing the Ferrari engine that powered Hoops to victory in One Crazy Summer.

    Also gonna add a new personal blog where your humble narrator can rant about all things life and boobie hottie suckle thigh unrelated to douche mocking.

    So hang in there.

    And read the t-shirts.

    For they explain all.

    # posted by douchebag1
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