Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    Ask DB1: Sports Competition and Doucheyness


    Hey db1,

    I come asking your view on a matter.

    As you can see from the utterly retarded Under Armor shirt I’ve attached (fuccin’ Stackhouse, man), it seems the sporting world is starting to get pretty douchey with with the idea of being competitive. So much so that it’s no longer enough to say stupid shit like “Check out my swagger,” it must now be printed on a t-shirt.

    Perhaps so people can hate the wearer before they even speak.

    I once emailed asking if saying “hater” was autodouche.

    I ask the same of this situation: does this type of apparel inspire the same Ed Hardy-esque foaming-at-the-mouth?

    Are even real athletes exempt?


    Douche of Arabia


    Performative Leniency Rule absolutely does not cover the ‘bag shirtwear. “Get Some” shirts, or any other sort of idiotic pumped-up slogan, is autobag.

    So let it be written.

    So let it be done.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 27, 2012


    Your scrubbley narrator is well shorn and back in misty Los Angeles. Lotssa pics in the hamper this week for hottie/douchey deconstruction. So lets do this thing.

    Oh, and Narm.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, March 26, 2012

    Sven Pumper Approves of the HCwDB of the Week

    Sven Pumper and his Gaggle of Teutonic Hotts approve of the HCwDB of the Week with a hearty chant of “Sie ist sehr gut!” followed by an invigorating discussion of genetic hierarchy, the importance of eugenics-based sterilizations of the undesirables as defined by the Norse Gods of Aryan legend.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, March 26, 2012

    HCwDB of the Week: Sleepy Jerkenstein and Cindy

    There was no doubt which toxic cohabit was enough to flyswat an innocent Northwestern Tree Badger in the gonadal region.

    Sleepy Jerkenstein not only wants to share trivial facts with you, as tattooed on his eyelds, but he pollutes the purity of bongo thigh cuddle that is a phantasmic bikini clad imagined Cindy who giggles in the pool and then climbs out and says, “Hi Brad… you know how cute I always thought you were.”

    As Wheezer so astutely pointed out in the comments thread, Sleepy Jerkenstein and Cindy also contributing to this future award winning HCwDB artwork, “Innocence and Poo Face.”

    That being said, The Unholy Pear Fondle is an HCwDB award winning collision of image detritus in its own right. In a normal week, it would’ve won (lost). But not against Sleepy J.

    Other pics of note, Vazquez and the Pear, Tony Cappacino’s oldbaggery, The Lion, The Witch and the Fung, and our discussion of the Pabst Blue Ribbon Herpster Complex.

    But there was no taking down the Sleepy and the Cindy. Awful, awful wrongness.

    Your humble narrator flies back to smoggy Los Angeles on cheap party bus limo airline, Virgin America.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Origins of the word "Douchebag"

    Booger was a visionary, far ahead of his time and place.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, March 24, 2012

    Comment of the Week: Doucheywallnuts

    The on-fire-in-2012 ‘bag hunter and Hall of Mock enshrinee Doucheywallnuts wins another CotW with this epic takedown of Oldbaggery in the Tony Cappaccino thread:


    This is a photo of Skinny D’Amato, he of the famous ass punch. He went into the witness protection program 15 years ago with the new name of Corky Callahan. He had been doing work for the Scarfo crime family out of Philly and was a major enforcer in Atlantic City when the Feds caught up to him.

    He had been working as a co-producer and correographer of the nightly lounge shows at Trump’s Taj Majal. And by co-producer and correographer of the nightly lounge shows at Trump’s Taj Majal, I mean he was collecting the vig for the Scarfo boys and making sure the boardwalk concessions were making their kickback payments on time and in the proper amount.

    The Feds caught up with him by accident. They were running some undercover bunko sting with some of the dealers and lounge waitresses, and Skinny had ass punched one of the dealers who owed the Scarfos money. They found one of Skinny’s cuff links in the guy’s anus, which led to a whole chain of unfortunate (for Skinny) chain of events that resulted in Skinny rolling on the Scarfos.

    Skinny moved out to Scottsdale where he opened an exotic bird and fish store under his new identity, and stopped punching guys in the ass. Yep that’s I’m alright.


    Thassa spicy meatball. Good work DW.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Friday Thoughts and Links

    Your humble narrator wanders the streets of eerily warm Boston. Avoiding the Massholes.

    Oggling collegiate hotts that wander among the downtown wide colonial streets like so many displaced gazelles.

    Fratbags abound on the T.

    Bostondouche is a distinct subset of the larger New England Clam Choader.

    It is the home of my youth, and the home that I fled for larger pastures in NYC the moment I turned 18.

    And so it goes, as Vonnegut told us. And so it goes.

    Here’s your links:

    Your HCwDB Musical Pick of the Week: “If you wanna be profound, if you really gotta justify, take a breath and look around, a lot of folks deserve to die! “

    A reader submits this pic of the ‘bag parties going on at the South by Southwest festival. A wretched hive of douche and herpstery.

    For the few of you who missed it last week, The Kony2012 filmmaker guy is a masterbatory herpsterbag.

    Awful Tatts. Still out there. Still an affront to the Torah.

    With the inexplicable success of the 21 Jump Street remake, The Unholy Grieco is back in the news.

    Michael Bay: Hollydouche.

    The Ab Revealing copycat of HCwDB’s 2007 sensation, The Ab Lobster, The Jersey Shore’s “The Situation,” may or may not be in drug rehab.

    Best wishes to the great Jerry Lewis, who celebrated his 86th birthday last week. My life will not be complete until I am able to see Lewis’s 1972 unreleased film, The Day the Clown Cried.

    But you are not here for creepy early 1970s urban legend garish and trite filmic reductions of Holocaust trauma. You are here for Pear:

    Artistic Muscle Pear

    Go forth and celebrate. For Pear is here.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Vazquez Says, "Mucho Buena Assplaso!!"

    I sorta like Vazquez. Hell, it’s Friday. Have a nottadouche and a goinpeace.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Hark! Beldar ConeHead

    Consuming mass quantities

    Of Goose and Valtrex

    Frank will demonstrate

    With Kim his new “Butt Juicer”

    Sit and spin on head

    — saulgoode42

    Vegas offers odds

    That bandana hides bald spot

    Even money bet

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    Bandana covers

    odd dome, pinstripe suit hides moobs

    Bleeth hides dad issues

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Pinky’s dress so short

    another inch and the world’s her


    — SonnyChibaChoad

    With no money left

    After buying watch. Brett quit the

    Rogaine. Wears bad lamp.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    The message is clear

    This douchebag needs an ass punch

    An ass punch, I says

    — Doucheywallnuts

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Sleepy Jerkenstein Shares Knowledge With Cindy

    “Did you know that every time you lick a stamp you’re consuming 1/10th of a calorie?”

    “Did you know that Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes?”

    “Did you know that Heinz ketchup leaving the bottle travels at 25 miles per year?”

    “Did you know that Armadillos can be housebroken?”

    “Did you know that peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite?”

    “Did you know that a hummingbird weighs less than a penny?”

    “Did you know that the sore located in my upper thigh area is, in fact, infectious?”

    # posted by douchebag1
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