
    Friday, May 27, 2011

    Between a Schmuck and a Soft Place (Hermit Edition)

    Resident auteur supreme Hermit shares with us this cautionary tale:

    When Chaturi left her native Sri Lanka for the United States on a ninety day student visa, she dared not reveal to her strictly traditional parents that she hoped to meet a nice American boy. She now finds herself flanked by Bruce, who oddly shows no interest in her perky, push-up booble cleavage, and Vince who does, but smells of Aqua Velva and false confidence.

    She’s quickly becoming homesick.

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, May 12, 2011

    Chimpy McWhack

    Greasy, kissy lipped and serving as a man chair is no way to go through life, Son.

    Kelly’s besties will be giggling about this all through summer classes at Iowa State, so laugh it up now, Chimpy McWhack. Laugh it up now.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    Sharon Tugs Her Skirt, Gerry Tucks his Cig

    I’m not sure what’s going on in this pic. We have fine taut female boobie hottie suckle thigh mixed with ducklips.

    We’ve got fauxhawk and cig-ear on Gerry, both stage 2 violations.

    We’ve got pleather 80s jacket and zombie dance pose.

    Meanwhile, Stockbroker Morty chills in the back and sips a Heineken.

    I’m confused. Time to microwave a burrito and chew things over.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Scarf Bernie Isn’t Interested in Women Making out

    Sign #65 of severe scrotebaggery: More interested in the camera observing you observing women making out than in actually observing women making out.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Beware the Blue Feather Hottie

    The Zoastrians predict that a Blue Feather Hottie bearing the Mayan Eye of Coitus will someday mate with Gozer the Destroyer of Worlds to form a Stay Puft D.J. Asswipe with dog tags and stupid belt.

    Or I could be getting my sophomore year ancient religions class mixed up with 80s movies references again.

    Which has been happening to me ever since I took Introduction to Quantum Bueller II Freshman year.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Jesus Chest Guy and Buff Kimberly Voted

    Your standard issue Jesus Chest Guy and Buff Kimberly decided to drop by and vote in the HCwDB of the Month.

    Have you voted yet?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, April 11, 2011

    The Chippenbros Approve

    Not only do the Chippenbros approve of The Tardopoulous Bros winning the HCwDB of the Week, they also approve of sentences that involve only one and two syllable words.

    Barely Legal Kate doesn’t know it yet, but her ballet career was never really a viable career option.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    The Greasepitz Pump Each Other Up (Via Stacy)

    Woke up.

    Fell out of bed.

    Dragged a comb across my hea-… GAH!!!

    The Greasepitz.

    Still out there.

    Still pretending to be interested in tasty bottle blonde giggle gnaws like Stacy.

    Still smelling like shoeleather and displaying toxic Groin Shave Reveal.

    Too much too early. I blame last night’s tasty microwave Trader Joes burritos for this pic. And my poo.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Maceo Discovers His Thumb

    Maceo like thumb.

    It help him pee.

    Kendra has crazy eyes. But don’t pretend it wouldn’t stop you from buying her a fourteen dollar Mai Tai. Because it wouldn’t. And you know it.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Bullet Barry Fondles the Suzy Pear

    The increasing trend for bagwear to feature bullets, bloody gunshots, or various other overpriced, silkscreened examples of violent conflict, is simply 2011’s answer to the previous iteration we knew as “Unearned Dog Tags.”

    Suzy Pear has dressed up for a night on the town. She deserves better than to have her firm glutes grabbed by a pudwack whose closest brush with armed conflict was the time his Mexican gardener, Gomez, shouted at him to move his car so he could leaf-blow the driveway.

    Mmm… Suzy Pear. I forgive you. Now come to me. Let me blow spit bubbles softly towards your lower calf area while you yawn and watch Oprah.

    # posted by douchebag1
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