Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Tuxedobag
About time we ran another one of the prime categories of choad running free on our streets like so many Brazilian street urchins.
No sub-category needed for The Tuxedobag.
He is Tuxedo. And he is ‘Bag.
Gillian is that cute girl you met in human resources on your first day of your first job after college, and thought to yourself, “I can’t believe I’m working a real job! And I totally have a chance with her!” Six months later you were fired. And no you didn’t.
Thursday, March 17, 2011Some Days You Just Gotta Pin a Dress to your Tighty Whities
And try to talk the Ubergnaw Southern Sue into taking a ride on what Tad calls his “Own Private General Lee.”
Wednesday, February 23, 2011Truth in Spiritual Advertising
Because when the tongue licking and alcoholism stop, there’s only the haunting wind of existential crisis and ultimate meaningless echoes of cries that will not be returned in this cold and harsh wilderness we call life.
In other words, do it, Tommy. Go for it.
How bad could it be?
Man, I’m grumpy this morning. Must be my Keurig coffee robot thing. Stupid Keurig. Keeps turning on and off on its own. No, I do not want a glass of tasty Kona at 2am. Okay, yes I do.
Droopy McPointer Points
Droopy McPointer likes to be near the hot chicks of Orange County.
And, when he gets near them, Droopy likes to point at them.
Droopy’s father and grandfather approve of Droopy’s pointing ways.
Friday, February 18, 2011Friday Haiku
Feldman and The King,
With Harem of Giggle Hotts,
Dream a Little Dream.
3 girls in this pic
Not even close to born yet
When Goonies came out
— jonezy
Misuse of water:
instead of drinking it, please
pour it on boobies.
— Wheezer
Wednesday I lost job
Today I see this picture
Tomorrow shooting spree
— MC 900 Foot Douchebag
With “The Lost Girls”
on the set of “Meatballs 5″
Feldman still a douche
— dknutty
Old Johnny Cougar,
Clings to his washed-up career,
Yo, “Get a Leg Up”
— Rockabilly Johnny and the Electric Foreskin Benders
Yul Boner stars in
Timeless musical classic
The King and Pink Eye
— Mr. Scrotato Head
Descartes Said, “I Am.”
Dochieous says “I Am Poo.”
Feldman Snorts Another Line
— DoucheyWallnuts
Bachelor party?
Guests won’t throw rice at wedding
but Valtrex instead.
— Eliza Douchecoo
Wednesday, February 16, 2011Tony Punchmyfacekowitz
Another sibling from the Punchmyfacekowitz clan, Tony and his best bro, Anthony, have perfected the performative art of name visualization.
Leopard Jenny is another lady to offer me the Mayan “Eye of Coitus” and for that, I graciously pooch her belly with half chewed jelly beans and an acidic port wine chaser.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011The Ferret Nibbles
This pic of odious clubclown The Ferret may or may not be The Starhawk, as the inbred overbite and chin pubes suggest.
Alls I know are innovative chin pubosity is rare in the days after Brothabag Leon or Triple Fung, yet The Ferret manages to pull off innovation amidst asswipery.
Aryan Donna long ago crossed the line from potential sexyness to disciplining me with a barbed-wire billy club for cutting in line for extra soup during visiting hours.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011Betsy and Bobby and What Angie Doesn’t Know
Betsy knows she should know better than to date another guy like Bobby.
And her bestie, Angie (not pictured), also knows that Betsy should know better than to date another guy like Bobby.
But Angie doesn’t know that Betsy knows that Angie knows that she should know better than to date another guy like Bobby.
So when Betsy dates a guy like Bobby it’s actually because Angie doesn’t know that Betsy knows that Angie knows that Betsy should know better than to date a guy like Bobby.
And that’s how Betsy got Angie back for borrowing her lip gloss and not returning it at Thirty One Flavors last night.
Monday, February 7, 2011Four Prong Voted
HCwDB’s own ambiguously gendered douche-hair legend, Four Prong, wanted to drop by with some bemused bros and the scrumptuous potential librarian naughty pooch pooters, The Rachel Sisters, and vote in the HCwDB of the Month.
Have you voted yet?
Thursday, February 3, 2011Charles Dickens Has Tea and Biscuits With the Queen
Emma Thompson does not approve of his not so Big Ben.
For his Sex Pistols are London Bridging her Fish and Chips.
Winston Churchill.