Sunday, April 10, 2005


    when the flamingo winsThose Bros really like
    Over-inflated pink things
    And flamingos too.

    It eats the brine shrimp
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In her Pinky hole.

    Everything is
    Inflated, the bird, her chest
    And now my Renob

    Magnum Douche P.I. said…

    Llamas escape and
    run amok in Sun City.
    Where is DB1 ?

    Vin Douchal said…

    What color are shorts?
    Another internet craze?
    These shorts smell like farts

    creature said…

    P V C Polly
    Has become the new furrby
    Wicked rash erupts

    Charles Douchewin said…

    The director yelled
    “CUT!”; the flamingo popped,
    and there was silence.

    The Dude said…

    The pink flamingo
    Is the only inflated
    thing good in this pic.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    Filming porno in
    parking lot means using props
    that are within reach.

    Et Tu Douche? said…

    Chickens rejoice as
    Choking the Flamingo
    Is the new rage

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Devine would never
    Had career if appeared in
    This “Pink Flamingos”

    creature said…

    Forget about wench
    What these chaps prefer is
    Flamingo scratch-hole



    # posted by admin
    Saturday, April 9, 2005


    The Prince of Swoles needs some ViagraOur Founding Fathers
    Gaze down and weep as they see
    Public Sodomy

    The County Fair gets
    Awkward when any coitus is
    Performed at food court.

    Charles Douchewin said…

    Besties in back laugh
    at his dic pic. She sets scene;
    captures the moment.

    Dickie Fingers said…

    disgruntled douchebag
    just got a call from his mom
    credit cards missing

    Vin Douchal said…

    Stern, grim drunken douche
    Using AMEX to buy room
    Will skip on that bill



    Tackle Box said…

    He oozes much douche
    She is little, taught, supple
    This is the essence

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Sh!t Stain Tattoo can’t
    Kill renoB brought to life by
    Claire and her triceps

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    She offers a pear.
    He’s thinking about bros. Both
    are disappointed.

    The Dude said…

    She holds these douches
    To be self-aggrandizing
    But twerks anyway

    hermit said…

    Nigel Pepper Cockk
    Could lift her clean off the ground
    From that position

    Wheezer said…

    I would like to slide
    my Washington Monument
    inside her White House

    Pec tatt scribble is
    Entirely pointless when
    Dr. Seuss seems hard

    We The People. In
    Order to form a more perfect
    Union, doggy style.

    # posted by admin
    Friday, April 8, 2005


    three boobsThere’s this recession;
    Biff finds himself hard-pressed in
    Silicone Valley

    Charles Douchewin said…

    Constant as the sun
    and the movement of the tides;
    Douchebags love airbags.

    The Dude said…

    Make it a double
    I says, time to motorboard
    Who cares if they’re fake?

    Dickie Fingers said…

    Biff has gotten soft
    she is hard in all the wrong
    places, face and boobs

    He’s got the bad bloat
    Since the gryoscope was put
    In her Monkey Hole.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    Sanjay blows Apple
    store paycheck on bad trip to
    Silicone Valley.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    Neighborhood dogs howl
    in pain when chest puppies are
    rubbed together sons.

    Magnum Douche P. I. said…

    D-List porn actress
    moonlights as Bud Light beer girl.
    Gives butt hole a rest.

    Vin Douchal said…

    Dime store sunglasses
    7-11 money
    Dime store Indian

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…

    Hadji got sidetracked
    by Yucca Mountain Boobies
    in his Johnny Quest!

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Saline bags ain’t tits
    And don’t make a guy a chick
    No matter how big


    Millennials. Can’t
    Shoot em, can’t employ them.
    Wilted salad years.

    # posted by admin
    Thursday, April 7, 2005


    Tony Guidbag macks the hottsBlouse Largeman brings shame
    Unto the proud house Largeman…
    Eye of Horus scowls…

    Jacques Doucheteau said…

    Nice camisole, bro.
    The fake dog tags don’t distract
    need for training bra.

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…

    Boardwalk Douche woke up,
    got dressed in the dark. Too bad
    was sister’s closet!

    The Dude said…

    Bruce Jenner inspired
    bi-curious Boardwalk Douche
    to change his gender.

    Charles Douchewin said…

    The eyes on the wall
    are unburdened by that, which
    we cannot unsee.

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Nigel Pepper Cock
    Called to ask for his shirt back
    Douche hung up on him

    The Dude said…

    I wonder if he
    Wore cami-flage when he was
    On the battlefield.

    He don’t wear pasties
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In her Monkey Hole.

    hermit said…

    I’d strain hot water
    through Blondie’s sweaty panties
    then drink the sweet broth

    jonezy said…

    Deer in headlights
    Has larger IQ than this
    Joey Porsch-ette

    Vin Douchal said…

    New New Jersey look
    Newark Blowback Curled Up Poof
    Styled in glory holes

    Jacques Doucheteau said…

    Unearned dog tags and
    Jersey blowout will lead to
    veteran beating.

    # posted by admin
    Tuesday, April 5, 2005

    Friday Haiku – Silicone Edition

    the classics never go outta styleYou ever wonder
    How RealDolls™ are made? I know.
    These two hump, birth them.

    She’s got a palsy
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In her Monkey Hole.

    The Dude said…

    I would penetrate
    Blondie’s microkini with
    My plumb bob pants pipe

    Her sippy cup of
    Energy drink brew cocktail
    Cost him weekly pay

    Charles Douchewin said…

    Migrant farm workers
    pause in the fields to savor
    a break from the heat.


    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Bottle Blonde Man Head
    Kills my renoB. Tight torso
    Not withstanding. Son

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    Does anyone else
    think that her tatt resembles
    most of Chad’s colon?

    Magnum Douche P.I. said…

    Juan works out at the
    No Leg Machines Gym. Shops at
    the Johnny Cash Store

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    When silicone starts
    to lactate from your hips you
    know you have problem.

    Jacques Doucheteau said…

    Twenty-three and she’s
    already starting to get
    the Bea Arthur look

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    She has shaved her Mons
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In her Monkeyhole

    Vin Douchal said…

    Aztec bicep tatt
    God of Infertility
    At least let’s hope so

    It put the roids in
    The basket, or it gets the
    Hose. The Shrunken Hose

    # posted by admin
    Tuesday, April 5, 2005


    whose nipples are biggerLook at them nipples!
    I mean his nipples, not hers…
    Fraiku Deflate-Gate.

    hermit said…

    Oliver Reed once
    beat this dude arm wrestling
    then stole his whiskey

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    When Chad flexes pecs
    everyone everyone around him gets
    free man-milk sample.

    Charles Douchewin said…

    Way back, Cancún thought:
    “What’s a few americans?”
    Buckle up, Cuba.

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…

    John Largeman finger
    divining nearby douches!
    And large milk reserve!

    The Dude said…

    Slim Jenny and Biff
    Mark another failed Rehab
    Back again next week

    hermit said…

    It’s all fun ’til the
    silicone hits his bloodstream,
    shuts down his organs.

    # posted by admin
    Sunday, April 3, 2005

    Friday Haiku

    wool hats indoors equal autodoucheJed’s scalp underwear,
    Caked with pheromones, attracts
    Desperate cougars

    The Dude said…

    Use Axe Body Spray
    And how you look don’t matter
    You are a douchebag

    Sugar Ray singer
    Meets his two fans all these years
    Later at the club.

    hermit said…

    Evil Jed Clampett
    fingers Ellie Mae’s ‘possum
    sticks it in cider.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    Jed doesn’t care that
    he can attract groupies from
    latest Krokus tour.

    Charles Douchewin said…

    The bottle-blonde twins
    hold on to sixteen as long
    as they can? Kougarz!

    Charles Douchewin said…

    The exit sign is
    The only attractive thing
    in this whole picture.

    It puts the bleach
    In the basket, or it gets
    The Hose. The Jedidiah Hose.

    The purple light shines
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In their Monkey Holes.

    Dickie Fingers said…

    Cougars celebrate
    freshly installed gyroscopes
    Jed is next in line.

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    George Hamilton’s girls
    Were born tan and bottle blonde
    With taste for douchebags

    Vin Douchal said…

    Here’s Patient Zero
    The Asshat Epidemic
    Spreading through your town

    The Dude said…

    “Je n’suis pas Charlie!”
    Les blondes allez mettre
    Le Grand gryoscope

    # posted by admin
    Saturday, April 2, 2005

    Friday Haiku

    WAZZUPBoth Slim Jenny and
    Biff both at Ground Zero when
    Diarrhea strikes

    The Dude said…

    Slim Jenny’s Rehab
    party is derailed by Biff’s
    sudden butt plug slip.

    She must eat the grain
    Since the gyroscope was
    In her Monkey Hole.

    hermit said…

    When the mooslims bomb
    Las Vegas down to the dirt
    I’ll join the Jihad

    Charles Douchewin said…

    Why am I working?
    When Rehab looks just like what
    puts you in Rehab.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…

    I think I see a
    pea that she ate last week. No
    just belly button.

    Magnum Douche P.I. said…

    Somewhere in L.A.
    a restaurant is missing
    its waitress / busboys

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…

    WTF on right!
    Arms like twigs. Pale moonlight flesh.
    Tribe of Ghost Douches.

    hermit said…

    She raised her arm shank
    In bold vegan defiance
    Then she fell over

    DoucheyWallnuts said…

    Vin Diesel macks on
    Rehab Guidette in background
    Whilst party rages

    # posted by admin
    Friday, April 1, 2005

    Friday-ish Hungover Haiku

    at least the ladies came preparedExcited DoucheBags
    Eager to rip packaging
    Off RealDoll™ purchase.

    hermit said…

    It puts the lotion
    in basket or gets the hose
    shrink-wrap Asian ho’s

    # posted by admin
    Thursday, March 31, 2005


    DB12005***Yeah, I know DB1 had this gem as a link on his Chrimmas post…but dammit it’s just too good to pass up for Fraiku. Boss been sittin’ on some primo bag pics, yo.  – D.S.***

    Vin “Cool Breeze” Capon
    Smirks as Liza collapses;
    “Roofie’s kickin’ in…”

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…
    Eyes roll back in head.
    LIza won’t be seeing Vin’s
    premature cork pop.

    The Reverend Chad Kroeger said…
    Will this be the year
    I have threesome with Katie
    Couric and T-Pain?

    DoucheyWallnuts said…
    Trina would have sworn
    Rex was transgender until
    She checked under shirt

    Magnum Douche P. I. said…
    Other pec has date
    tatt of his mom’s gang bang when
    really created

    Magnum Douche P. I. said…
    Is she unconscious
    if her eyes are are still open ?
    Asking for Cool Breeze.

    Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…
    His tattoo is why
    millions believe in Flying
    Spaghetti Monster.

    Ed Hardy Har Har said…
    Unconscious just means
    she’s given her consent, right?
    Asking for Cool Breeze.

    hermit said…
    In darkness of night
    Her eyes are encrusted with
    Satanic Wheat Chex™

    Wheezer said…
    Over-drafted card
    in hand, Sally disgusted
    by last charge on it.

    DoucheyWallnuts said…
    She’ll wear a ball gag
    Before the night is over
    And not remember

    # posted by admin
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