Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Lords of the Fries

    For Üter, Gunter, Moritz and Ülrick, the night The Dusseldorf Fraülein Club left its alleyway door unlocked would be a day the Fries wouldn’t soon forget.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Mr. Unclean Loves The Pear

    Once, when I was a kid of about twelve or thirteen, living with my parents in Boston, it was a particularly hot summer.

    One day, in between summer camp and the beginning of eighth grade, a giant waterbug that looked like a Pumpy Cockroach flew into my bedroom window.

    It landed on my one prized “adult” possession of the time that my mom had let me keep: my poster of Carol Alt.

    The pumpy cockroach went “Bzzzz.”

    And then, strangely in its falsetto Vincent Price insect voice, it said, “I love the assss pearrrrr.”

    Then it buzzed back out of my window and into the night.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Danny Mandana Has a Thought

    It involves Danny’s love for Bud Light Lime and vague confusion about why he feels funny when he watches “300” on dvd.

    Jennifer thinks ironic douchery is amusing. Jennifer has life lessons to learn.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Sometimes Shane’s Just Gotta Choke a Bitch

    There’s two ways Shane knows how to tell Maria he kinda sorta likes her. Or at least, wants to bang her when he’s not too hung over.

    1. Choke her sorry ass

    2. Write “Olive Garden” in script above his belly button

    3. Go shirtless at all times

    Don’t tell Shane that that was actually three ways, and not two. Shane was never good at no math.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, March 2, 2011


    Like an abused chihuahua, Mutty may not have the power of speech. Or even the use of opposable thumbs.

    But he’ll follow Maryanne around in the club while whining until she lets him hump her leg.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Dick’s Sporting Goods Is Having a Sale on Toolbags

    Ah, Suburbia.

    How your youthful couples find amusement and distraction in the form of stupid watch and hair gel.

    Or, as the great poet J.C. Mellencamp once wrote, “Suckin’ on chili dogs. Outside the Tastee Freez.” Heed the words of early 80s singer/songwriters, Suburbia. For changes come around real soon and produce Justin Bieber.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    General LickArthur

    Nice job storming the beaches of Mandy, there, General LickArthur.

    Your army camouflage will serve you well if the assistant manager to the assistant manager gets pissed that the fries aren’t salted and comes looking for you.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Asswipes in Affliction Shirts With White Belts

    Still out there.

    Still forcing women to pose in pseudo-erotic positions in public places to deal with the massive insecurity of a fractured and insecure psyche of a semi-working peen.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Cheech and Shlong

    They just don’t make hippies like they used to.

    I blame Phish.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Flirting with Champagne Katie

    HCwDB of the Week Hott winner Champagne Katie’s threats to prosecute this site resulted in a number of ‘bag hunters seeking her out to reason with her.

    Reader Kennedy writes in asking if, while acting as an emirate for the site, hitting on the hott is also okay:

    Subject: Please don’t hate me for lovin on Champagne Katie

    Or Friending and chatting with her. Think I brought her around to the Bag-huntin lifestyle.

    But if you must call me out for doucheitude, don’t use my current FB pic. That’s my sister, man. Family occasion. Please accept this Halloween pic of the classic Cell Cam in Mirror instead.

    But mainly hope you’ll give me a nottadouche hall pass and let me go in peace to sin some more.

    The Douchadox is a powerful force, one in which ‘bag hunter is both attracted to, and repelled by, the Bleeth. Struggle with it, you must, Grasshopper. The decision must be made by you and you alone.

    On a related note, reader Oliver Wendell Douche, a real lawyer in Austin, Texas, has agreed to represent HCwDB, pro bono, in the case of “Champagne Katie V. HCwDB. Here is OWD’s official letter of response.

    # posted by douchebag1
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