Friday Haiku
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday Haiku
In Riff’s Douche-Heaven
No seventy-two virgins;
There’s just free Valtrex™.
Hoo Boy! That’s a Scrote
Shipwreck! His signifiers
have signifiers!
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
It just dawned on Kim
‘Ghetto Urkel’ ain’t kidding
Wants her to smoke crack
— saulgoode42
One can only hope
the pants prevent escape from
the oncoming bus
— ehcuodouche
Humpty, Flava, Ice
All have potential claims for
Identity theft
— Douche Wayne
A bullet would give
“Deep in the heart of Texas”
A whole new meaning.
— Ol’ Dirty Douche
A shining poo stain
Of moral decrepitude.
God hocks a loogie.
— Troy Tempest
Pippi Wrongstocking
Needs to pull up his pants or
Get a fish slap.
— The Dude
Friday, September 9, 2011Friday Haiku
Bouncer accosts guest:
“Your abs aren’t visible, Sir;
Shirt, Shoes…No Service!“
Center Douche works at
Meinke Muffler all day long
Sore arms won’t go down.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Ice Station Douchebra,
Where souls suffer in torment,
And sip warm Red Bulls.
— Jay L.
Frank’s double fist pump
Went unnoticed by Tina
And, well, everyone.
— saulgoode42
The Mass o’ douchettes
in this primary don’t seem
to like him o’ roids.**
— The Dude
**nominee for groan-inducing pun of the year – D.S.
It ebbs and flows for all. This
is what ebb looks like.
— Wedgie
By the power of
Gray Skull. I am He-Man. Show
Me to Dude-Action.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
Dance to the blue light
Like greasy moths to the flame
Guido bugzapper
— Hong Kong Douchey
Friday, September 2, 2011Friday Haiku
Tina Topps kicks off
The Burning Mamm Festival
With Sammy SmallHands.
Nice try, mini-me
Your small hands cannot hide her
— Wedgie
“What’s ‘taters, Precious?”
asks Gollum as he fondles
over-ripe melons.
— Douche Wayne
Free mammogram sign
Misleads southern hott once more;
Brother doesn’t care.
— Ed Hardouche
Short, slutty, and
Carrying giant tits is
A great startin point.
— Reverend Chad Kroeger
Basketball tryouts
At Pismo Beach this weekend;
Sammy Is ready.
— Medusa Oblongata
With one push of her
nipple, Sam got free drinks all
day for the whole crowd.
— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche
With every boob press
There came a wet plop on floor;
Pile o’ fetuses.
— Elastic Snap-Hole of the Love Bear
Friday, August 26, 2011Friday Haiku
To “Search and Destroy”:
That is his endless mission
Against pubic crabs.
Frank’s like a housecat:
So proud of what he dragged in
Yet to us it’s gross
— saulgoode42
Elvis and Bono
Which one’s style to emulate?
Fuck it I’ll do both.
— Douche Wayne
Task: Search and destroy,
Bolts pointing down at his junk,
No douchey offspring
— Condouchious
cindy and kelly
ruined noses too much blow
don’t notice poo stench
— Douche Springsteen
Friday, August 19, 2011Friday Haiku
“I use Magnums, girls…”
Later they found that he meant
Butt plugs, not condoms.
Jack proudly displays
His daily ampule full of
Horse and mule steroids.
*UPDATE* – See? DarkSock’s failure and procrastination pay off, as usual. Behold the bounty of 5-7-5 Snark:
Magnum goes full Kahn.
Sommelier to the sluts.
I’ll take seven Bra.
— Reverend Chad Kroeger
Not to be outdone,
Dewey’s steroid enhancements,
Compete with Fay’s cans.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Vic has a tough choice:
Giant bottle or huge cans
Right chick needs a shave
— saulgoode42
That is how much booze
It would take me to have sex
With him. All of it.
— I give up
Magnum of Cristal
Compensates for one small peen
Dom Perignon weeps
— Choad The Douche Sprocket
Napolean Bone
Overcompensates for peen
“Gimme the big one!”
— Douche Wayne
Here’s the wine cellar
Deep in Mr. White’s basement –
Drink up, you douchebag.
— Medusa Oblongata
Bottle service
means Something very different
To gay porn star here
— Jacques Doucheteau
The midget vintner
Shows babes ” The Roid Rage” pinot
Crushed grapes between legs
— Cool Hand Douche
Big Heaving Bosoms
Narcissism on Display
There Are Girls Here, Too
— DoucheyWallnuts
Jack Lalanne becomes
reincarnated as douche.
Fuccen juicer works?
— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche
Katie smiles and says,
It will take a more booze than that
Til you flick my bean
— Dude McCrudeshoes
Nipple nipple nip
Nipple nipple nip Nipple…….
nip nipple nipple
— McWhatadouche
One out of the three,
Can deep throat the whole bottle,
Hint: It’s not the blondes
— Condouchious
My dream tale would read:
“Bottle cracked over ‘bag’s head;
‘blondes’ strip, bathe, wrestle.”
— Wheezer
Friday, August 12, 2011Friday Haiku
Blaze in the kitchen;
Let’s smother this Blaze
With an iron skillet.
Meanwhile, Skeletor
Leers at us all from his perch
On Castle GayCockk.
Jiffy Pop on Stove,
Jersey Poop in the kitchen
I would burn them both.
— Mr. Scrotato Head
Johnny Blaze Spring Break
Who cares about the weather.
Hurricane-proof hair.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
White apartment walls
It could be anywhere but
Douchebag means its Jerz.
— ehcuodouche
New movie this week
Conan the Bad-hairian
Starring this douchebag.
— Doucheywallnuts
Blaze shows how he pees
Through cod piece skeleton’s grin
Burning sensation.
— Dude McCrudeshoes
Kitchen group pic-hug
Macks on Cousins for practice
Growing up Gotti.
— SonnyChibaChoad
Friday, August 5, 2011Friday Haiku
On this ship of Tools,
Captain offers rides on his
Good Ship Lollicockk.
Dance Party Madness
On the SS Sodomy
Rockin’ the Poop Deck
— Medusa Oblongata
Nylon waxed sea rope
Tightly tied nautical knots
Jammed in some rudders
— Vin Douchal
Well Thar she blows, mate!
Its ‘Pirates of PenisDance’
A gay play, indeed.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Captain Barbossa
Drinks his rum, weeps, and laments
“Here there be poo-rates”
— Mr. Scrotato Head
Friday, July 29, 2011Friday Haiku
Spikey Greaser smirks,
Carmen Miranda fish lips,
Logan Doesn’t Run.
beady-eyed ballbag,
sucks scary spice to sternum,
wears casual slacks.
— Colossus of Choads
Mommy, where does Poo
Come from? You came from my box
You silver haired freak.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
Cirque Du Soleil said
“He’s too douchy, even for us”
Grabs Bleeth for comfort
— The Fourth Horseman of the Douchepocalypse
Comic-Con reject.
Captain Dingle-Berry fly
Back to Ur-Anus.
— Ol’ Dirty Douche
Five Ten with the spikes
Four Ten on a rainy day
Sly Stallone Short-Bag
— Douche Wayne
Eraserhead gropes
Asian hott knows: Big trouble
in little China
— Medusa Oblongata
Friday, July 22, 2011Friday Haiku
His pink dong-sling-bling:
So horrific, his asshole
Flees to beige hut’s wall
Doug’s feeling clever;
Stashed keys, phones & her tampons
Inside his foreskin!
Tube socks in g-string
don’t make up for your bird chest
and leathery skin
— idfma
Takes a lot of crew
Behind the scenes to film a
Bang Bus episode
— Vin Douchal
She likes it in thick.
He thinks she’s too loose. Fleshlight
In pants solves problem.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
Friday, July 15, 2011Friday Haiku
Flip-top beer goggles,
Come from behind victory.
His prize? Red groin rash.
Spot celebrity
Pillsbury Doughboy Junior
And Gene Simmons’ girl
– Vin Douchal
Charlie Sheen looks on
at these ghastly lumps of dough
they are NOT “winning”.
-Medusa Oblongata
Fliptop sunglasses
can’t prevent retinal burn
from whale’s bleached asshole.
– Mandouchian Candidate
Bleeth makes beeping sound
Backs into four-eyed zebra
Pit odor erupts.
– Claude Douchenbagger
He’s soft in the gut
She’s clearly soft in the head
A match made in Queens
– Mr. Scrotato Head