Friday Haiku

    Friday, July 20, 2012

    Friday Haiku


    Cindy’s solution

    To thwart Gurn’s booger picking;

    Now…about those shorts…

    His mask was so tight,

    His brain blew through top of skull.

    It was no great loss.

    — hermit

    Bleeth’s look says it all:

    lie kekko desu (no thanks),

    Mr. Roboto

    — Dude McCrudeshoes

    No face, no shirt? I

    Think we’ve seen him here before.

    Son Of Tonetta.

    — The Reverend “Monkey Hole” Chad Kroeger



    Mercury levels

    At the “Wrap and Go Sushi”

    Reach toxic level

    — Vin Douchal

    Man in Maximus

    mask screams “are you entertained!?”

    By you, sir? No. No.

    — Morbo

    Sway to the music

    Get groped by Galaxian

    Burning man still sucks

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, July 13, 2012

    Friday the 13th Haiku

    Family reunion

    Gets awkward when Todd wears jeans

    And sports unshaved balls


    Then from Jack’s blue jeans

    The midget burst out, yelling



    We’re here to answer

    That CraigsList ad by some guy:

    “Baron Von Goolo…?”

    The pasties don’t move

    Since the gyroscope was put

    In her Monkey Hole

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    At the strip club it’s

    “Bring your brother to work day”.

    Todd thinks, “Dumb idea.”

    — Troy Tempest

    Kim Kardouchian

    Has new reality show

    “Me and Four Losers”

    — DoucheyWallnuts says

    Mamas and Papas

    Tribute band Fails Cal. Dreamin’

    with Cleveland Steamin’.

    — Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, July 6, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Hotties of the Rings,

    find Assbo ‘Baggins fingers,

    “Butthole, My Precious!”

    One does not simply

    douche at da clubs; arthritic

    hand gestures needed.

    — Wheezer

    Lord of the Bling fails

    To impress hotts with new show

    Idea, “The Jersey Shire.”

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Olympic Rings Hott

    makes me want to practice the

    Breast Stroke for the Gold

    — The Dude

    Had fundraiser for

    D-Bags finger condition

    Raised sixty-two cents

    — Anonymous

    Mail order bride smiles

    “Still, it beats Cherbnobyl.”

    Not by a lot, though.

    — Baron Von Goolo

    Whoever makes Lord

    of the Rings reference did

    not get laid last night.

    — Nancy Dreuche

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, June 29, 2012

    Friday Haiku


    Mmmm…nice firm Buddhas“…

    Far away, angry monks

    beat a Dolly Llama.

    At my inner peace

    With outer hostility

    bitch-slapping this tool

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    Crunches not working

    For brunette. Salty diet caused

    Stroke then she picked him.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Douchebag cops a feel

    Tibetans spin prayer wheels.

    Buddha clubs a seal.

    — hermit

    “I am destroyer

    of dignity”. Bleeths giggle

    but no enlightenment.

    — Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, June 22, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Sir Roofus Malfoy

    Tries to glamour a Muggle

    With his tiny wand.

    on top of the Albino

    the wheelbarrow should have stayed

    Pit of Despair, indeed

    — Melvil_Duchi

    The zombie Hitchens

    Scours London for bath salts

    And Anglo call girls.

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    She always dresses

    To suit the occasion. This

    Occasion was drapes.

    — The Reverend MonkeyHole Kroeger

    Hot chick with Fatt bag

    British Empire continues

    Millenial fail

    — The Dude

    Lord Autumn Bottom

    Wants to show Ms Twiggy his

    Yellow Submarine

    — saulgoode42

    Guy in this photo

    Makes me ask the following;

    Is Gregg Allman dead?

    — Doucheywallnuts, I says

    A much closer look

    Reveals rare double lapels

    Ray Charles dressed better

    — Charles Douchewin

    No style change for Steve

    Since his grunge band broke up in

    Nineteen ninety five

    — Ich verstehe sie ist heiß

    Oh those were the days

    Elf extra in Lord Of The Rings**

    Downhill spiral since

    — Et Tu Douche?


    **10 points to Gryffindor for Et Tu – D.S.

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, June 15, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Screams rend the sea air;

    Jon pulled away; his nipple

    Stayed with Urchin Bra.

    Ladyboy of the

    Sea trolls the docks for new ports

    For sea cucumber.

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Motorboat spiked boobs

    Result: bad head injury

    Jon will try again

    — saulgoode42

    King Henry of Jaune

    Crossed the lake on a jet ski to

    Feel the rasp of boob.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Mandana tilt guy

    Swigs sunscreen rubs on vodka

    Bros, set him on fire.

    — ehcuodouche

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, June 8, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    It’s douche/bleethe gumbo!

    But it’s missing something though…

    Toss in a toaster!


    “I love Jacuzzis!”

    Thought John, unaware of Jan’s

    Savage flatulence

    Fetid bath water

    Reeks of taco farts and shame

    I hope he got laid

    — Et Tu Douche?

    A threesome sours

    When poor anal hygiene fouls

    The water and mood.

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Bo Derrick on left

    Not named after star. Oil rig

    Is her deal. Leaves spills.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Hey! That’s no bathtub!

    That’s Andre’s big-ass toilet!

    Now give ‘er a flush!

    — Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt

    Dysentary is

    Always more fun when shared with

    Those real close to you.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    She has her leg up

    Since the tub stopper was put

    In her M****y Hole

    — Doucheywallnuts

    John forces a grin

    Trying to hold anus tight

    Corn bath for the Bleeths!

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Anal Leakage meme

    reverberates on this thread

    Pass the Olestra

    — SonnyChibaChoad

    The smiles will soon

    Fade away to psychosis

    When bath salts kick in.

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Time to call plumber

    Sewage pipes backed up again

    Draino can’t fix this

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, June 1, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    The wee man exclaims,

    “¡Yo quiero Taco Smell!”

    Old Bob has sour cream.


    “I like a little

    Mexican in my women”;

    Says Literal Bob…

    Bob the big winner

    Gets a free round of salsa

    Caught the ping pong ball

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Frodo took wrong turn

    instead of Mordor he found


    — Douche Wayne

    Larry tastes locals

    Selection of tequilas

    Wakes up kidney-less

    — Vin Douchal

    Spicy mons reveals

    tattoo, midget reveals his

    portable toilet

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    The keepers at the

    Tralfamadorian zoo

    mix and match humans

    — Charles Douchewin

    Mexican Gothic

    Juanita y Juanito

    Donde es Pitchfork?

    — Doucheywallnuts

    Taco, Burrito

    What’s coming out her speedo?

    A midget with dip!

    — Jazz Hands

    Three aliens land

    In Mexico and assume

    Normal family guise

    — saulgoode42

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    “I guess I could double

    His fat, salt and carb intake”,

    Jan sulked to herself…

    All of Tony’s loot

    Wasn’t enough to keep Jan

    From boning his son

    — saulgoode42

    One million dollars

    Each time I let this fat ass

    On top of me. Woo!

    — The Dude

    This is what happens

    When one wants to be the next

    Anna Nicole Smith

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    Money can’t buy love

    But it can make a fat guy

    Rich in blowies, Sons.

    — Pooch Spackle

    The remembers the

    First time he mounted her. Her

    Mons Pubis was crushed.

    — v

    Hide the Viagra

    She thinks as he palms her ass

    Holding back vomit

    — Doucheywallnuts

    She bangs really hard

    Trying to loosen the stints

    Heart bypass gold mine

    — Vin Douchal

    Money can’t buy love

    But it can buy a tank top

    that hides man teats. Hint.

    — Pooch Spackle

    Ahab did it wrong:

    Best way to catch great white whale –

    Spear him with whorepoon.

    — Sir Huddleston Fuddleston

    800 Euros

    Buys you a Moldovan girl

    Keep passport in safe

    — Ich verstehe sie ist heiß

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, May 18, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Showers, dignity,

    Toothbrush…These are some things that

    Häwk can live without.

    Turds of a feather

    Float together, Billy Ray’s

    Son spreads douche virus

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    His bumper sticker

    Says. “My other tattoo is bad

    Chinese wallpaper.”

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    If you take away

    Tatts and hot Asian girlfriend

    Dull white guy remains

    — Mrs. Nuttersquirt

    The tears of a clown

    Mix with hot asian lotion

    To form pinkish film

    — saulgoode42

    # posted by Bagnonymous
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